Cyber Harassment

The use of electronic communication such as email, text, or social media to harass, stalk, or threaten someone.

The effects of cyber harassment:

Cyber harassment can be very serious and may cause the victim to experience depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and social isolation. If left unchecked, cyber harassment can have a lasting effect on the victims mental health and, in extreme cases, has been linked to suicide.

What is considered to be cyber harassment?

• Threatening or abusive messages

• Publishing private or derogatory information about someone on the internet

• Making someone feel scared or threatened by participating in certain online activities

• Using fake social media accounts to humiliate someone

• Sending someone viruses or spam

• Attempting to break into someone else’s online accounts

• Offensive or derogatory comments on someone’s posts

• Blackmailing someone with compromising photos/videos

• Repeated use of electronic communication to harass or frighten someone (Cyberstalking)

Red flags:

• They withdraw from social activities

• Sudden changes in mood or behavior

• Avoidance of certain people or places

• Stealthy use of technology

• Difficulty sleeping


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